Disciple-making was never intended to be done alone.


John 4:13-14

Colossians 3:23-24

Proverbs 4:23

1 Corinthians 15:33

1 Peter 1:13-15

1 Peter 2:9-12

“A community of people on mission to make disciples in Jesus' name is the most crucial movement of all time. And it will take a unified community.” - Adam Neal, Refuge Retreat

“The most important thing about a man is not what he does, but who he becomes.” 
- Dallas Willard

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.” 
- C.S. Lewis

“You were made for God and by God and until you understand that life will never make sense.” - Rick Warren

“None of us is beyond the task of making disciples. the question is not whether or not we will be working to spread the gospel, but what role we will play.” - Francis Chan

Scripture Used

John 15:1-17



  1. What is your take on unity and How have you seen it (good or bad) on display in your life?

  2. How can we unify ourselves with people we don't agree with or that do not agree with us?

  3. In your life, do you feel like your operating from overflow or burnout?

  4. How is this effecting your friendships?

  5. Why is it so difficult to continually find rest?

  6. What are some practical ways you can find Spiritual rest in your life?


The Basics of Discipleship


Receive Mercy, Find Grace