Every follower of Jesus should be able to simply present the Gospel at any moment.


“It’s not enough to try to imitate Christ as much as possible, or simply tell others about Jesus, or to be inspired by His actions and words. We are called to be living examples of Jesus.” - Henri Nouwen

“Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to manage external and internal darkness.” - Matt Chandler

“The discipline of the Christian is not to master anything, but rather to be mastered by the Spirit.”
- Henri Nouwen

“God is most interested not in making you happy, but in making you holy.” - John Piper

“The only place true stillness of the soul can be found is in super-close proximity to the God of all creation.” - Louie Giglio

“A disciple is someone who obeys, repents, and surrenders their whole life to following Jesus.”
- Adam Neal, Refuge Retreat

Matching Merch

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  1. What is your definition of disciple? How have you seen this in your own life?

  2. Which of these three (obey, repent, surrender) do you find the most challenging? Can you have one without the other?

  3. What does ‘transforming your mind’ mean to you?

  4. What are some good practices to help us transform our minds?

  5. Why do you think Jesus was so blunt with these words in Luke 14?

  6. What does Jesus mean by ‘bearing your own cross?’ How can you do this?

  7. What settings do you find yourself being more happy vs. holy? For you, What is the difference between the two?


Never Alone